EXPRESSIONS OF INTERESTOT Mentors Needed! Please note that you will need your own ABN to work with us as a subcontractor. Your hourly rate for mentoring sessions will vary depending on the type of program being offered. This rate will differ from your typical private hourly rate for clinical work, as our programs are specifically tailored for mentoring services rather than clinical services. If your expectation is to earn the same as you do for clinical work, please consider whether this opportunity aligns with your goals. We are looking for mentors who wish to contribute to the profession and supplement their income. We want to establish clear expectations from the outset that this should not be considered a primary source of income. If you are still interested...please share your details below and we will get back to you discuss further! Do you have capacity for 3-4 mentoring sessions per month? Yes No Name * First Name Last Name City & State * Email * Clinical setting- current * Community Clinic Other Mentoring areas * Please select all areas you are able to be a mentor for Physical - Adults Physical- Teens Aged Care Psychosocial- Adults Psychosocial- Teens Paediatrics - Early Intervention Paediatrics- School Aged Funding Bodies Select all you have experience working with NDIS CHSP HCP Insurance- workers care Insurance- CTP Insurance-Lifetime Care Insurance- other Other (provide details below) Message Let us know if there is anything else you would like us to know about your mentoring experience / interest in this opportunity Thank you for expressing your interest! You will be notified about early bird registration for our events in the coming weeks.