Pre Workshop Survey The information below will help us customise the upcoming workshop and your overall learning experience Name * First Name Last Name Current Clinical Caseload Select all that apply Hospital- inpatients/rehab Hospital- outpatients/rehab Community Other Add practice setting details below What funding schemes do you currently work with? Select all that apply NDIS CHSP Home Care Packages Injury compensation Workers compensation DVA Other List below Bathroom Home Mods Experience Select the option that is most applicable New Grad (< 12 mths) Early Career (< 3 years) 3- 6 years 7-10 years 10 years Ramp/Access Home Mods Experience New Grad < (12 mths ) Early Career < (3 years ) 3-6 years 7-10 years 10 years + Dietary requirements N/A Vegan Vegeterian Gluten Free Dairy Free Celiac Other List below Learning Goals Please share what you hope to gain by attending this workshop: Q&A Please add one question you have to ask our Home Mods OTs and Building Professionals Message Please add any other special requests for the host/ facilitator Thank you! We look forward to seeing you at the event! You don’t understand anything until you learn it more than one way...